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Get in touch

If you need help setting up an account or making a phone call, or would like to leave feedback on the site or service, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Contact us

If you have a technical issue, for example you can not place calls or you need help setting up your incoming number/VoIP device, then please click on the following link to set up an email to the technical department Email us

Configure Bria for Android

You can find you SIP registration details under the VoIP section of your Localphone Dashboard.

Bria for Android is a SIP-based phone App for Android Phones that uses a Wi-Fi or 3G connection to make and receive calls.

Install Bria from the Android Market on your Device

Bria can be downloaded via the Android Market on your Device and only takes a moment to install, Once the Bria App is installed Tap its icon to start Bria

Open Bria and add your SIP ID and Password

After opening Bria Tap the’ More’ Tab in the top right corner then Tap ‘Settings’
Tap ‘Account Settings’ and then fill in your details from your VoIP Page on your Localphone Account
Tap the ‘Back Button’ on your Device
Tap ‘User Preferences’
Make sure to tick 3G to enable VoIP over 3G

Make a Call using Bria

Once you have completed the steps above Tap on ‘Phone’ and dial the full international number, Alternatively view your saved contacts by Tapping ‘Contacts’ and navigating to a contact with a full international number attached.

By following the steps above, you should now be able to connect to Localphone and make and receive calls.

This guide is provided for assistance. If you discover any errors in this page, please send us your comments and we will update the guide as soon as possible.