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Get in touch

If you need help setting up an account or making a phone call, or would like to leave feedback on the site or service, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Contact us

If you have a technical issue, for example you can not place calls or you need help setting up your incoming number/VoIP device, then please click on the following link to set up an email to the technical department Email us

Billing & Account Support

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I’ve got a voucher code – how do I use it?

    We sometimes run promotions offering discounts using voucher codes. If you’ve got a voucher code just add it to your shopping cart when you add credit. New customers will need to sign up before placing their first order.

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  • Why was my payment split into two amounts?

    As part of our commitment to security we occasionally require users to verify their details by splitting a payment into two random amounts. Since you are the only person that has access to your bank account / credit card statement, you are the only person that can discover these two amounts.

    For more information or to verify a recent payment please visit our Verify Payment page.

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  • Are there any additional charges or hidden fees?

    We believe in being fair and transparent, so we only charge the amounts we show on our site. When you make a payment we give you the full amount as calling credit, and we will only charge you the per minute rate for calls as shown on our site. There are no connection charges, maintenance or service charges, or other hidden fees.

    If there are any other charges on your statement and you are outside of the UK this could be a charge made by your bank. Some US banks, but not all, charge for overseas transactions, you will need to contact your bank about this issue. We do have the PayPal option at our checkout for anyone who wants to avoid extra charges from their bank.

    You can find our full list of prices here

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  • Auto top-up is no longer available – why?

    You need to place an order with us using your credit card before you have the option to auto top-up. To be eligible for auto top-up you must first verify the payments associated with the card you wish to use. Please check if you have placed an order which needs verifying. If you had auto top-up option enabled and you disabled it you need to verify your card details before it can be reactivated.

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  • Do I receive a monthly statement?

    No, our service works on a pre-paid basis using credit/debit card UKash or PayPal, we charge in USD, EUR or GBP.

    You simply top-up your account with credit and use it to make calls or send texts.

    To see a record of transactions please go to your Account History

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  • How do I activate/deactivate auto top-up?

    Please go to your settings page.

    You will see ‘modify auto top up settings’ on the list at the bottom of this page.

    Please note you will need to have verified all of your card details before this can be activated and can not be activated if you have only placed orders through PayPal.

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  • How do I add credit?

    To add credit just click here

    You can tell us how much credit you'd like to add and follow our simple checkout process.

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  • How do I see my bonus credit for recommending a friend?

    Please click on the history link once you're logged in.

    Then click the drop down arrow on 'activity type' then select 'call funds' to see funds increases.

    Bonus credit is shown on these pages each time your friend places an order, as long as they have input your details and have not placed an order using your card.

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  • How long does it take to process an order?

    Where possible we try to automate the process and it shouldn't take long for credit to appear on your account.

    If there are problems with an order and it is flagged for manual review it can take up to a few hours depending on the time of day, we are based in the UK, but do have agents in other timezones processing orders.

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  • How will I be billed for my Incoming Number?

    The initial set-up fee and monthly payments will be taken from the credit that's in your account. Please make sure that you have enough credit in your account to cover the monthly charge for your Incoming Number.

    You can set your account to top-up automatically to make sure that your balance doesn't fall too low. To find out more go to the auto top-up page.

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  • What is bonus credit?

    When you recommend a friend and they sign up for a Localphone account, we will give you 10% of the call credit every time they top-up for 90 days!

    Please see more information at the following link.

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  • What payment methods does Localphone accept?

    Localphone offers a secure check-out system with which you can use most popular debit and credit cards; including Visa, MasterCard, Switch/Maestro, and Solo. You can also optionally choose to pay via Paypal or Ukash.

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  • Why am I seeing an extra charge on my bank statement?

    Sometimes banks in the US add an extra overseas charge because we're based in the UK. Unfortunately, we're not able to tell you this information in advance as these banks charge some customers but not others.

    We don't take any extra payment from the banks for these charges and they are not made by Localphone.

    If you're based in the US and want to avoid having to pay these extra charges in the future, we recommend that you use the PayPal option at the checkout.

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  • Why has money been taken from my account if the order was declined?

    No money has been taken from your account, what you are seeing is simply an authorisation, this was reversed when the payment was declined.

    Please contact your bank if you need further information. They will be able to confirm the money has not been taken. Please be aware it may take your card company a few days to clear the authorisation.

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  • Why hasn’t all my credit been added?

    This is because we don't cut your call short when you run out of credit. Instead we'll let you finish your call but it can result in a negative balance. Therefore, the next time you place an order the money is deducted from your credit balance.

    To check the calls that you've made, go to your account history.

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  • Why have I not received my credit for recommending a friend?

    This could mean your friend did not input your details on signing up therefore you were not credited.

    Unfortunately this can not be changed retrospectivly as it is a system generated process.

    Or as per the terms outlined on http://www.localphone.com/share/faq#theSmallPrint#theSmallPrint we do not give the bonus credit when the order is placed with the recommender's payment details, or with the payment details of another existing Localphone user.

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  • Why have I been charged this rate of VAT?

    From 2015, the EU has changed the rules about how to implement VAT rates. They are now based on the standard rate of the country in which the billing address of the customer is set.

    For more information, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union_value_added_tax#VAT_rates

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Billing Troubleshooting

  • I have placed an order, no credit is showing on my account!

    Please check to see if you have recieved an email from us.

    This could be because of one of the following reasons.

    Your order has been declined, the email sent to you will give you the reason why.

    Your order needs verifying, our email sent to you will explain the verification process.

    You have 3 days to enter the split payment details showing from your bank statement into the link on your dashboard to relese credit to your account (please contact your bank for this information if you do not have on-line banking or a recent statement) Enter the split amount into your dashboard (see the verify your account link on the top of your dashboard) to release your order. If you do not have one of these emails (please check spam/junk folder)

    If it is your first order with Localphone, it will take longer to go through security checks

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  • Money has been taken from my account after order has been cancelled

    If an order is declined or cancelled money is not taken from your account by Localphone. What you are seeing is an authorisation or pending transaction. Please be aware it may take your card company 3 to 5 working days to clear the authorisation back into your bank account.

    If you need further clarification of this please contact your credit card company/issuing bank

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  • How long will my credit/account stand?

    Your credit and account will stand for a year with no activity.

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  • I have added credit, but it isn’t showing up on my dashboard and I can’t make calls.

    It can take a short time for our payment processor to approve your order, especially for first-time users, so please wait a little longer. We will send you an e-mail as soon as your credit is available, or if your payment has been declined.

    You can ensure faster top-ups by verifying your payment details.

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  • I recommended my friend and they placed an order, but I have not received my bonus credit yet.

    Please check our recommend scheme terms to make sure you have not broken any of the conditions, for example recommending a friend and then paying for their credit yourself.

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  • My account appears blocked

    If you have placed an order with us then you will still be able to place calls with your remaining credit but will not be able to place orders.

    If this is he case then check the message on your dashboard and note what is being asked of you.

    The system will be asking you to verify a particular order number which was taken from your account in 2 parts and will therefore show that way.

    If you have attempted to add the split payment and are now locked out then please check your on-line banking or contact your bank for the 2 amounts shown for the order you are being asked to verify, email to customer support the 2 amounts shown on your statement and they will enter the amounts for you.

    If you have not attempted to enter the amounts then click here. You should see the 2 white boxes, enter the amounts into the space, you can add in any currency you wish as the system will calculate the conversion.

    Please be aware, you have 3 attempts to add the amounts before you will be locked from your account, if this happens you will need to email the amounts to Localphone to be entered for you.

    If you have only just placed an order with us and no credit is added then please check to see if an email has been sent to you. If no credit has been added to your account it could be that it has either been declined (the reason will be given in the email) or your card needs verifying to release the credit to your Localphone account within the time limit given.

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  • My order / payment was declined.

    Please check to see if you have received an email from us when you have placed your order.

    If your order has been declined, the email sent to you will give you the reason why.

    This could be because your card details need updating, please ensure all of your card details are correct.

    If you have received a bank decline then this means your bank will not allow us to take the money owing for your order, some of our customers have had success in contacting their bank informing them an order will be placed and giving permission to take funds.

    It could be your order needs verifying for us to release the credit to your account. Our email sent to you will explain the verification process.

    You have 3 days to enter the split payment details showing from your bank statement into the link on your dashboard to relese credit to your account (please contact your bank for this information if you do not have on-line banking or a recent statement) Enter the split amount into your dashboard (see the verify your account link on the top of your dashboard) to release your order. If you do not have one of these emails (please check spam/junk folder)

    If it is your first order with Localphone, it will take longer to go through security checks.

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  • The amount has still been deducted from my bank / credit card.

    If we declined your payment but your statement is still showing the charge, this is what is known as an “auth”. We have not taken the funds from your account, and the charge should disappear from your statement – usually within 48 hours.

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  • What is verification?

    Your first order on any card is taken from your account in 2 parts therefore it will show on your account that way the two amounts added together will total the full amount placed.

    We ask our customers to verify their accounts and approve their card for a number of reasons.

    Only the card holder will have access to bank statements for the information being asked.

    Once the amounts are entered then any orders placed in the future should process through the system quicker or our customers can activate the auto top up option on their account.

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PayPal Issues

  • I can not see the PayPal option at the checkout.

    There is a minimum order for using the PayPal option of 10 GBP, EUR or USD.

    When you have selected the amount you wish to charge your account, as long as it is over this amount, the PayPal logo will show to be selected during the checkout process.

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  • My PayPal order has been declined.

    Please check the email that will have been sent to you and the reason given.

    If this is a decline by PayPal then you will have to contact them about this issue.

    The system might have declined your order because it is an unverified PayPal account please follow the instruction through PayPal to verify your account with them.

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  • Why does my account show 2 withdrawals for my order?

    Please be assured Localphone have only charged you once, this can be seen by going to your account history.

    PayPal have a confusing way of displaying the charge in that it shows as 2 payments but if you are unsure about this charge and are disputing it then please contact PayPal to explain.

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Other Queries

For all other other queries please contact our Support Team.