
Localphone Ltd presents an exciting opportunity to work with a talented, driven team in the fields of VoIP, web, telecommunications, and business development.

As a modern telecommunications company Localphone currently employs two teams of developers in the UK and USA, and integrates a number of cutting edge technologies across multiple data centre locations in the USA and Europe.

Systems include latest generation VoIP systems, large scale data processing clusters and a number of websites.

Current Vacancies

We currently have no vacancies.

Nos tarifs d'appel avantageux

Tarifs par minute à partir de :

Côte d'Ivoire29.9p
République démocratique du Congo18.9p
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Gagner du crédit gratuit

Parlez de nous à vos amis et gagnez du crédit gratuit s'ils s'inscrivent à Localphone et rechargent.

Pas de limite au montant de crédit que vous gagnez.

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